Bored to Distraction...that's the way Liz Curtis Higgs titles Potipher's wife. This week on Wednesday night we'll look at chapter two of Bad Girls of the Bible and examine the scenario between Potipher's Wife and Joseph.
As with any story there are two sides. Read the story in Genesis, and come to class ready to discuss what steps, if any, you think both Potipher's Wife and Joseph could have taken to avoid the situation.
Have you ever found yourself bored to distraction? What are the hazards you have to guard against in those times?
Here's another question to consider... We only know this woman as Potipher's wife. How do you think that made her feel? Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you were known as so-and-so's wife, mother, daughter, employee, etc.? What kind of dangers does that set up?
Looking forward to Wednesday!
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