Bethel Women's Ministry

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Next week October 1

Next week we're going to try some of the recipes in the book. So come for dinner at 7 p.m. We'll be in the kitchen. Please let Stephanie or me know if you are coming, so we can make sure we have enough. And bring your favorite recipe :-)

Also, our next book will be A Mary Heart in a Martha World. We'll start that October 15th :-) October 8th will be the final week in No Other Gods.


Friday, September 12, 2008

Fireproof the Movie

Interviews at the Fireproof Screening from Gina Conroy on Vimeo.

My friend Gina Conroy had the opportunity to attend the screening for Fireproof this summer, and the above is her interview with the lead actress and movie producer. It was fun to get this email from her, because on Sunday our small group decided that we are going to work through Love Dare as a group this fall. We also talked about going to the movie opening weekend, which is September 26.

The Love Dare is a book that walks couples through specific projects they can do for 40 days to turn love into action. A challenge that every marriage can use no matter how new or experienced, how troubled or blissful.