Bethel Women's Ministry

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Need a Retreat?

Are you ready to sneak away for 24 hours to seek the heart of God and hear His whispered words? Then join us at the women's retreat on March 9-10. I would love to have every woman from Bethel attend, so carve out the time. Come with expectation and watch the Lord meet you!

The speakers have words for each of us on our inheritance as children of God, living by faith and not fear, dreaming with God and so much more!

To sign up, call Heather in the church office or complete a registration form which is available at the Welcome Center.


Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Bible Study Hour Options Starting Sunday

Hey, Ladies.

It's the beginning of a new quarter, and I wanted to make sure you knew about some of the great Bible Study Hour options available to you. Going across the chart in the bulletin insert:

1) A Study of Joshua, led by yours truly. In this study we will examine how God trained Joshua for the task of leading the Israelites into the Promised Land and equipped him to walk into the inheritance. Joshua came from slavery, but God didn't let that slow him down. I'm really excited about this one.

2) Driven by Eternity, led by Marleen Troyer and Linda Lee-Allen. These ladies are PASSIONATE about this message. He has put eternity in their hearts...Ecclesiastes 3:11. His coming is certain and His reward is with Him. Are you missing the point of your life? Do you want your life to count today and forever?

3) Growing Together in Spiritual Intimacy, led by Sue Brust. This is an expansion of the marriage class which Sue has been leading this quarter.

4) Women Seeking God, led by Gina Deere. This quarter the women's study will focus on exploring our inheritance and expand on the themes of the retreat. What is our inheritance and how do we live this out in our everyday lives?

These are some great options and I encourage you to pray about and attend the class that is right for you.


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Tools of Our Inheritance

Hi ladies! I’ve got to be honest with you – I’m not entirely sure where God is leading me in this message. But I can tell you that the journey toward this exclamation point of His has been incredible…humbling at times…but altogether amazing! He is good! I know in the flyer that was mailed out that my message teetered along the lines of Fear or Faith…but God has been stirring something else inside of me – and I’m still discerning which way He would have me go. At this point, there are 2 messages He is laying on my heart – and I thought the one was for the youth, and the other for the women’s retreat…but after giving the one to the youth on Sunday, it’s still burning and growing in my heart. Perhaps in His infinite wisdom, He is merging the two!

On a very basic level – my message will be more about keys to our inheritance rather than what our actual inheritance is. These keys are faith, and finding the knowledge of God. I want us to begin to understand what the knowledge of God is – Proverbs 2 tells us that we are to be searching it out and finding it. The knowledge of God goes way beyond simply comprehending that He exists, or a verbal or intellectual agreement that He is a person. It’s something much deeper than that, it’s something that goes on in the core of our being and transforms our entire lives. I believe (because the Lord has shown it to me!) the answer to finding the knowledge of God is in His Word – and that on the whole, His Bride has lost her love for the Word. It is in the secret place of the Word that our communion with Him begins and it is in this place where every other piece of our inheritance is laid out for us. We can not begin to understand or effectively use the other pieces of our inheritance until we understand this…it’s about knowing God’s heart. His Word is the lens through which we can begin to comprehend and understand not only who He is, but what He has planned for our lives…our inheritance as His daughters.

I hope you are seeking Him during this time leading up to the retreat. Don’t wait in expectation for March 9-10th for God to show up and do something amazing in your lives – He’s waiting RIGHT NOW for you to ask Him to do that! Expect amazing things from Him every second of your day. Ask Him to even now be preparing your hearts for what He would have for you during those two days. Let’s press in and meet Him on a more intimate level than ever before!

Blessings on you all!

Stacey Wisdom

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Sunday School 2/26

On Sunday, we will look at the life of Gomer in the Women's class. Plan to join us and if you have a chance, please read the first three chapters of Hosea ahead of time. This will be the passage that we explore together. I look forward to your comments as we examine this woman's life. If you have a copy of Redeemeing Love by Francine Rivers, this is a retelling of Hosea and Gomer's story.


Monday, February 19, 2007

Chick Fellowship Nights

Hello Ladies--

I am now acting as the Coordinator for the 'Chick-Flick nites'(or Fellowship Nites) that we have on a regular basis for Bethel ladies and visitors. If you haven't attended one, these are evenings where the ladies of Bethel come together to fellowship and build friendships.

I am scheduling Hostesses for a Night(Usually the third Friday of each month--but this is flexible). If you are interested in hosting, please let me know; ...if you need ideas for a night let Cara or myself know. We can help with that especially if you are able to host it at your home.

Usually, the ladies who attend help to bring goodies to eat, we just need hostesses....

Right now we are scheduling for the following open dates:

May 18, 2007
June 15, 2007
July 20, 2007

My e-mail is DJHartman at insightbb dot com.




Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Sunday School

This week in Sunday school we will look at Michal, Saul's daughter who married David. Here are a couple passages that you can look at in advance of class:

1 Samuel 18
1 Samuel 19:11-17
1 Samual 25:43-44
1 Samuel 25
2 Samuel 3:14-16
2 Samuel 6:20-23

We'll look at how her relationship with David started and then how it fell apart. She did several things that we would be wise to avoid in our own lives.

No service tonight

Enjoy the snow and extra time with your families. And don't forget to do your homework on joy1

Sunday, February 11, 2007


The service was great this morning. God delights in the praises of His people.

Few things:

1) The Tuesday Morning Bible Study continues this week at 9:30 am. All women are invited, but remember there is no childcare. This group is studying The Battle Field of the Mind.

2) The Wednesday Night Bible Study meets at 7 pm in the Fireside Room at Bethel. This week we will continue to look at the Fruit of the Spirit, Joy. There is homework this week: "What gives you joy, and what scripture do you have that supports it?" And feel free to come for prayer at 6:30.

3) The early bird deadline for the Women's retreat is February 15th. So get those forms in to the church office.

4) Scrapbooking/craft night this weekend. Come for as little or much as you can. I'll be in and out since Friday night was the only night that worked to have a group of friends over for dinner. You don't need to stay for everything...

5) Next quarter the women's Bible hour class on Sunday mornings will build on the retreat theme of Our Inheritance. Gina Deere will host the class, and it sounds fantastic. Wish I could be part of it!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Roberta Christensen

I've had some questions about who Roberta is. she is a long time friend of Pastor Ted and Sue's from Nebraska. She is also a school psychologist who speaks at many events. A couple years ago she spoke at Bethel at one of the spring teas. I was out of town, but heard I missed a great teaching. I am excited to hear what God has placed on her heart for the women of Bethel.

I'm also asking the others who will share at the retreat to give us some teasers over the next few weeks. So stay tuned.

As we prepare our hearts for the retreat, what is God doing in you?

Friday, February 02, 2007

Roberta Christensen coming to Women's Retreat

Hey, ladies.

I am excited to let you know that Roberta Christensen will be the keynote speaker for the women's retreat this year. I am so excited to have her join us and learn what God has put on her heart to share with us.

Heather and I were working on the flier for the retreat today, so look for it soon. I am so excited about the different messages God is giving the women who will speak. Stacey Wisdom, Gina Deere, Sue Brust, me. God's given us each something to mark March 9-10th on your calendars and beginning praying with expectation about what God will do in you and through you at the retreat.

Just a note -- older high school and college women are welcome as well! Consider this your invitation.


Time to Pray

We (AKA DJ and Shirley) decided to have a time for prayer Wednesday nights from 6:30- 7:00 p.m. in the Fireside Room. Join us if you have a need and want support. Or if you just want the extra time to approach our heavenly Father's throne. You don't have to stay for worship and Bible study...though that's been fabulous.


Thursday, February 01, 2007

Clarification on Scrap Event


Due to many questions I have received, I wanted to clarify that the Scrapbook/Hobby All-Nighter is open to all ladies. If you do not do any crafts at all, but would like to come for the fellowship only; then please come!

The cost for the evening is $10.00 and a snack to share. You can come and stay as late as you would like. This is an all ladies event and we want you to come and get to know other ladies both from Bethel and in our community.

The primary craft for the Night is Scrapbooking, however we will have ladies there who will be quilting, crocheting, and doing photo scanning/restoration. It is fun to come and see what the other ladies are 'into'.

Please feel free to contact either myself ( or Shirley Siovalia ( if you have questions. Registrations can be turned in by Sunday Feb. 4 at the Welcome Center, or given to Shirley or myself.

Blessings to all!
DJ Hartman