Bethel Women's Ministry

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Bible Study Hour Options Starting Sunday

Hey, Ladies.

It's the beginning of a new quarter, and I wanted to make sure you knew about some of the great Bible Study Hour options available to you. Going across the chart in the bulletin insert:

1) A Study of Joshua, led by yours truly. In this study we will examine how God trained Joshua for the task of leading the Israelites into the Promised Land and equipped him to walk into the inheritance. Joshua came from slavery, but God didn't let that slow him down. I'm really excited about this one.

2) Driven by Eternity, led by Marleen Troyer and Linda Lee-Allen. These ladies are PASSIONATE about this message. He has put eternity in their hearts...Ecclesiastes 3:11. His coming is certain and His reward is with Him. Are you missing the point of your life? Do you want your life to count today and forever?

3) Growing Together in Spiritual Intimacy, led by Sue Brust. This is an expansion of the marriage class which Sue has been leading this quarter.

4) Women Seeking God, led by Gina Deere. This quarter the women's study will focus on exploring our inheritance and expand on the themes of the retreat. What is our inheritance and how do we live this out in our everyday lives?

These are some great options and I encourage you to pray about and attend the class that is right for you.



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