My friend Tricia Goyer is working on a book that is targeted at teen girls. She's looking for a few girls to contribute by completing short surveys. I did the same thing last year with
Generation NeXt Parenting and currently with
Generation NeXt Marriage. I looked over the proposal before it went to the publisher and it looks like a great book.
Here's the information from her:
Hi Friend!
You're one of the first to hear about a NEW book project that I'll be writing ... after the Gen X Marriage book, of course! Here is the scoop:
My Life, Un ScriptedCategory: YA Non-Fiction
Word Count: 45,000
Age Group: Young Adult/Teen Girl
Key Life Issue: Scripting right responses for relationship dramas.
The Target Audience: The target audience for this non-fiction book is teen girls who love movies, television, and drama, yet struggle in their real-life relationships.
As a mom of a fourteen-year-old daughter and a mentor to teens, I will incorporate the "screenwriting" theme as a fun way to offer real-life, practical advice concerning the inner drama and challenging relationships teens face.
Theme: Each element of the book is spun off screenwriting, television and/or movies-which is one of the dominating factors in the lives of teens today. With the theme of "TV Land" this book will focus on relationships: with self, with friends and enemies, with parents, with guys, and with God.
With real-life scripts, screenwriting terms, and timely topics, teen girls will explore their own inner struggles and outward relationships. They'll also learn the importance of "scripting" their own responses BEFORE challenging life-situations arise. By contrasting real-life with TV, teens will understand they don't have to get caught up in the drama. They don't have to face situations as they arise, but rather they can think about, pray about, and consider how to face these situations before they hit the big screen of their lives. They will also have the tools to use when situations come upon them unexpectedly.
As you may have guessed ... I'm looking for teen girls who would like to participate. I'm looking for girls ages 13-17. This will be a book that talks to teen girls about real-life relationships. It will also encourage them to Script their future goals and dreams.
If you know any teen girls who might be interested, I'd love for you to pass on this information for their consideration (with their parent's approval, of course)! I've also included a sample chapter, my first set of questions, and a release form. (If you are interested, the release form needs to be mailed to me right away, please.)
Thank you so much!
Tricia Goyer www.genxparents.blogspot.comAuthor of: Life Interrupted, Gold Medallion Book Finalist, 2004
Night Song, ACFW Book of the Year, Long Historical Romance, 2005
Dawn of a Thousand Nights, ACFW Book of the Year, Long Historical, 2006
. . . and six other equally wonderful books!